GovernmentsGaming companiesMobile MoneyBanking

Gaming companies

One solution for gaming compliance in Africa

A single integration to connect to all digital monetary eco systems and full compliance to Government transaction monitoring requirements


NPS Score


African Countries


Revenue through our solution


Transactions per day

How it works

Ether Monitoring is an online platform continuously monitoring transaction flow through the digital money eco systems.

  • Ether Monitoring is directly connected to all the mobile money operators, banking institution and other digital money systems.
  • A large scale robust batch file platform receives the betting data from the gaming companies.
  • All money thus received and paid out by will go through the Ether Monitoring system simplifying tax collection
  • Multiple digital money channels supported

Ether Monitoring Platform Features


Robust and scaleable batch file transfer for both betting transactions and customer account deposit / payout activity.


Designed to support massive scale transaction throughput, road tested with some of the largest gaming companies in Africa


Gaming company portal to view status of data transfers, and reporting on overall data applicable to each gaming company.

API Layer

Alongside the batch data transfer, Ether Monitoring provide an optional API integration layer if preferred by the gaming company.

7 x 24 Support

Dedicated support team managing the data flow to the government systems.

A true partnership

Ether Monitoring work with gaming companies to ensure government compliance, but also to allow innovation to flourish

Proven Mobile Money Platform

Ether Monitoring delivers a proven high volume reliable solution for gaming campanies. The use of secure batch file transfer ensures that the reporting and compliance requirements do not impact the overall end user experience or stiffle innovation.

Schedule a call with us to find out if we can help you!
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